Dessert Table-Taste of 7, Special Equestrians

“The event is called Taste of Love 7 and it is to benefit an organization that is near and dear to my heart called Special Equestrians. Special Equestrians is a 501 c 3 organization that does some pretty amazing things. I have had the honor and the privilege to be a part of the board for almost 8 years (even through all of my travels and moving around) and it’s one that I will never leave. Special Equestrians is comprised of only three part-time employees and a slew of amazingly talented and dedicated volunteers…including everyone on the board. Every hard earned dollar that they make goes directly to the program to help cover the expenses and the small salaries for our part-time heroes.”
A taste of Lucia/Paul’s Inspiration….
Enjoy…and sorry…I am the culprit for these photos…better quality shots to come soon….