So it’s with a mixture of excitement, nervousness and deep pride that I share with all of you that starting January 18, I will be devoting my love and attention to Chic Sweets on a full time basis. I’m leaving an amazing job as the “Network Manager” for The Network of East Hillsborough Neighborhoods, a wonderful organization aimed at engaging residents in a BIG way and spreading out quality programming in several East Hillsborough communities. This decision has weighed heavy on me for some time but I can tell you that this work fills my heart in ways that make every sacrifice, both big and small, worth it x’s 1000 (maybe more).
This year I realized that in order to make things happen I had to take the plunge, set goals and most of all, take action. My work has always been a part of me, a big part of who I am….and when things grew in ways I never imagined, I found myself deeply torn between doing what I was good at, versus taking the plunge into a business that was still growing. Add the pressures of being a wife and mother, well, I can’t lie–it was more than I could handle at times. Ultimately, though, I made the decision that in order to be the best wife and mother I can be, I had to wake up in the morning doing what sets my heart of fire and that my friends, lies here in Chic Sweets.
Thanks again for all the love and encouragement I’ve felt from all of you–my friends, my supporters, my family and most of all, my husband, Steve, since the truth is, without him, I just don’t make sense.
Love you all!
PS–I swear it’s just coincidence this announcement happens to fall on my birthday! LOL! 🙂
Your Wedding Bands, Desserts and Photography

But before I get ahead of myself, I wanted to share a few shots of our clients’ wedding bands displayed with our candy. Going through the process of overhauling our site has been fun, but it’s also allowed me to go through a lot of our past weddings and photos. One of the shots that I love to feature are when photographers play around with our client’s wedding bands. For me, candy=fun, and when a photograher can play off the items on our table, it’s just great and most of all, something different.
And of course, special thanks to my friends over at Limelight Photography! They have also been overhauling their site & logo and everything looks fantastic. Rebecca and Michael’s determination in this business is more than inspiring, please take a moment to check them out.
P.S: say a little prayer that Baby P gives us some sleep tonight 😉
P.P.S (a little confession): Due to Baby P, waking up and keepin’ me busy this post has been written, rewritten, saved, done over…oh, about 5x’s already! LOL!
Hello Everyone!! Hope all of you have had a great Thanksgiving Holiday! I know I have as I’m sitting here, three days later, in my stretchy pants. This has been a different Thanksgiving for us, family, Baby Preston, growing business…the list goes on. So in honor of the craziness, I thought I would share the three very things I’m *thankful* for today.
1. Love. Love. Love. Love for my husband, my best friend and my business partner. We met almost ten years ago, working together for a national, soccer league in Tampa. And today, we work together as partners with Chic Sweets. I have to tell you, there is something very special about being able to work with your spouse. Steve is not only my husband, but my true partner in every sense of the word. Someone I turn to as a friend, as a colleague, someone I can brainstorm fantastic (crazy) ideas with, and then someone I can come home, lay on the couch and watch “Dexter” with. I’m a lucky girl.
2. Children: Brendan, Spencer, Carson and Preston. I can’t lie. It’s crazy. It’s busy. There are times when Steve and I look at each other and want to run for the nearest exit. But it’s our life. And the craziness is our own and that is something we are extremely protective and proud of. This was our first Thanksgiving with Preston and all I can tell you, is that we are silly-happy with our lil guy.
3. My Work: Three years ago, I sat down on couch with my husband, debating what our next jobs would be. We both worked full time but had frequently picked up second jobs every now and then to bring extra income into our household. This time around was different. I didn’t want to pick up a second job that didn’t mean anything to me, that I didn’t love and most of all, that I didn’t feel fulfilled in. So after some brainstorming, Chic Sweets came about and I’ll be honest with you…not a day has gone by that I’m not grateful for having made that decision.
Does that work ever end? Nope. Is it insanely much harder than I thought it would be? Heck, yes.
Do I love it? So much, my heart bursts.
For that, I’m thankful.
Preston George Clamp…20 days
So here I am with, laying in bed and staring at the most beautiful, bundle of goodness you can ever imagine. Can everyday be like this? It’s been almost 20 days since Baby Preston came into our world and it’s been a mixture of total bliss and exhaustion.
I gave birth about a week early before my due date. It’s amazing, the process of child birth. This is my third son, and you would think I would be an ol’ pro at the this, but every experience was so very different. My last birth was very quick, labor was under five minutes and without an epidural. So this time around, I was very much on board and determined with going “all natural.”
So finally, on October 28, I was induced at St. Joseph’s Women’s Hospital. My little guy didn’t waste anytime because within the hour, I was grabbing the rail, drenched in sweat, both my husband, Steve and mother becoming a painful blur in the background. I could see their mouths moving, but was just completely lost in my pain that I couldn’t hear anything. My wonderful nurse, Sandy, gave me a knowing glance and said, “Natalie, you are at 7cm. This is it, if we don’t do the epidural, it will be too late. Don’t worry, you have nothing to prove by trying to do this without the epidural.” “Okay, she’s totally right. Let’s do this.” Now, this is where it gets slightly funny. By the time my epidural was put in, my stubborn-self was already pushing. And within 20 minutes, Preston came into the world. Ironically, since the epidural takes about 20 minutes to take full effect, it only really kicked in, once he was born…yeah…I know…too funny. So there I was, holding my bundle of joy, but with no feeling left in my legs!
After the labor, Steve and I settled into our hospital room and examined every bit of goodness, that I call Preston. I mean it. Serious. Perfection. There is just no way to describe it. Although it was a two-day hospital stay, I truly cherished the time alone with Preston and with Steve. Then it came time for Spencer and Carson my little boys to meet Preston. Wow…10 months of preparing them is nothing when they got to hold them for the very first time. The look on their faces is something I will never forget. And of course, there just aren’t any words to thank my parents for holding down the fort at home while we were at the hospital…I know it wasn’t easy!
So since coming back from the hospital, our lives have been a total whirlwind. Adjusting to life with Baby Preston, introducing Preston to Spencer, Carson and Brendan (my stepson), breastfeeding, trying to not to feel too bad about still walking around in my maternity sweatpants, having a few whytheheckishecrying moments. And oh yeah, still running Chic Sweets. Is our life crazy? Um, yes. Would I have it any other way? No, in fact, I can honestly tell you as sleep deprived as we are right now, I could not feel more blessed than I do right now. This pregnancy and this past year, have been unbelievably difficult, yet, Steve and I have managed to come out of this, stronger and more committed to making our lives work. God is definitely GOOD.
On that note, instread of turning this blog entry into an epic-novel, I opted to give all of you a slideshow of a few photos, played alongside a song that literally brings tears to my eyes everytime I play it.
Enjoy and THANK YOU so much for all of your support and sweet messages on my facebook page. My family, Steve’s family, all of our amazing friends…Love. Love. Love.
Natalie and Baby Preston
Real Event: Barger Estates Grand Opening with Confetti Events
Hey everyone! Wow, okay nearing my last hurrah with Baby Preston, so I’m determined to leave you with some great events before I depart (briefly). This next one is by one of my favorite, no seriously, I mean one of my most favorite people, Jamie Billig from Confetti Events. Jamie has this insanely unique way bringing the best group of vendors together– to create an event that really just took my pregnant self to another level.
This event was to launch the opening of Barger Estates. This breathtaking venue is now available for rental (weddings, corporate events/retreats, parties, etc.) The Barger Estate features elegant styling and architecture and yet has all of the modern amenities that make for the successful staging of almost any event….and yes, I did catch myself daydreaming once or twice about what it would be to live here 😉
For rental information contact:
Facility Representative: Leah Barger
phone: 813-344-1910
email: Leah@BargerEstate.com
Web: www.bargerestate.com
Vendor Credits:
Event Planning: Confetti Events
Photography: Limelight Photography
Candy and Dessert Table: Chic Sweets
Floral and Vintage Furtniture: MMD Events
Linens: Connie Duglin
Entertainment/Music: Inspire Entertainment
Video: The Cinematic Moment Videography
Cakes: Cakes with a Kick
Tables & Chiavari Chairs: Signature Event Rentals
For a complete list of vendors, please check out Confetti Events blog here.