Hello! Thank you for visiting my blog! Here you will get to know me—the “sweet girl” behind the dessert tables. The girl who loves to create. The proud mama who loves her boys to no bounds and the wife that thanks her lucky stars every day to have her husband, her best friend & business partner, by her side. Whether you visiting our blog or the first time or have stopped by before, please know that I’m incredibly grateful that you are here and look forward to getting to know you. So sit back, grab a large cup of coffee (or cake pop) and enjoy!

Your Wedding Bands, Desserts and Photography






Hey Y’all! So I swear I have a bunch of blog goodness stored up in my head, but these past few weeks have been a blur of holiday events, my Baby Preston, (trying) to juggle my other bundles of endless energy, and plowing through a rebranding process…let’s just say, I’m really looking forward to enjoying a few days off with the hubby (“the boss man”).

But before I get ahead of myself, I wanted to share a few shots of our clients’ wedding bands displayed with our candy. Going through the process of overhauling our site has been fun, but it’s also allowed me to go through a lot of our past weddings and photos. One of the shots that I love to feature are when photographers play around with our client’s wedding bands.  For me, candy=fun, and when a photograher can play off the items on our table, it’s just great and most of all, something different.


And of course, special thanks to my friends over at Limelight Photography! They have also been overhauling their site & logo and everything looks fantastic. Rebecca and Michael’s determination in this business is more than inspiring, please take a moment to check them out.

P.S: say a little prayer that Baby P gives us some sleep tonight 😉
P.P.S (a little confession): Due to Baby P, waking up and keepin’ me busy this post has been written, rewritten, saved, done over…oh, about 5x’s already! LOL!