NACE Holiday Jingle Mingle
For this table, I wanted to stay away from your typical Holiday colors and I got inspired from a an elegant and charming plum blossom and branch pattern in red, blossom, and white on a pool background with branches, that was silkscreened on handmade Japanese paper. The paper was used as a backdrop for the candy vessels, cookies and popcorn. In addition to the paper, I also fell in love with the always-wonderful Holiday cookies created by
Thea Zegata. She incorporated a bird image that I brought into our signage and centerpiece (what can I say, I’m all about the birds and branches on this one.)Along with my (Real Wedding-Chic Peacock Inspired) I am bitting my nails waiting for the wonderful photos taken at this great party, but in the meantime I will leave you with a snippet of what I managed to take right before everything started.
More detail shots to come shortly…
Real Wedding: Chic Peacock Inspired

So Chic Sweets has been on a blogging hiatus for December but we are back again with a few updates on some great candy and dessert tables we’ve been able to do recently!
In the meantime, enjoy a few sneaks that I took personally-not the best, but I will be able to share a few more along with some additional details shortly!